

Economía y medio ambiente

We were born as an institution of civil society when we realized the danger represented by the disappearance of official information that would allow us to know, in a reliable manner, the state of the country.

Under the guidance of our Executive Committee, and with the invaluable support of the members of our Advisory Committee of Specialists, our reports and alerts give an account of the political, economic and social developments in the life of our country.

Our Reports are interdisciplinary analyzes that show, in a comprehensive manner, the horizon that Mexico is going through in the areas of governance, social, economy, energy and environment. We have foreseen situations on different topics that, unfortunately, have been corroborated months or years later.

They are specific analyzes on very specific topics that have raised red flags due to different decisions that have been made, mainly, by the federal government.

They are specific analyzes on very specific topics that have raised red flags due to different decisions that have been made, mainly, by the federal government.

We are taking the pulse of Mexico


Presentación Reporte México Elecciones 2024 / Signos Vitales

Presentación del Reporte “Economía mexicana a revisión” / Signos Vitales

Economía mexicana a revisión / Signos Vitales

Son materiales que complementan la información que vamos publicando con especialistas en las áreas que nos referimos, aquí podrás encontrar cada entrevista que realizamos con expertos en temas de nuestro país.


Presentación del Reporte:
“Diagnostico Mexico: Oscuras perspectivas.”

Julio 2022


Presentación del Reporte:
“Diagnostico Mexico: Oscuras perspectivas.”

Julio 2022

Prensa 1

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Prensa 6

Una ciudad es un cuerpo y una mente, una estructura física, así como un repositorio de ideas y de información.

-David Byrne, músico.